Sarah Hamshere

15 Wood Road, Hillsborough, Sheffield, S6 4LU

0114 234 5814

I paint mainly abstracts, enjoying playing with colour and texture. I also work in mixed-media, textiles, mosaic and make artist bears from recycled materials.

My current work is mainly abstract paintings, explorations of moods and feelings expressed through colour and texture. I often work in intense bursts, finishing a painting in one session, although the ideas are often swirling in my head for a while. Other themes include myths, fairytales, spirituality and dancing figures inspired by my love of dancing. As a child I was always making, drawing and painting. I started working more seriously in the 1980s encouraged by my involvement in the Women’s Movement and women’s art groups of the time.I work in all kinds of media – papier mache, textiles, pastels, mixed media, jewellery and glass bead making as well painting and last year started making mosaics using broken crockery. I enjoy recycling through my work and also work on projects reworking furniture with my partner Barbara Hawley. I make artists bears (and other animals) out of recycled materials.

STUDIO: Attic studio but work, ideas and work in progress will be on display in a downstairs and more accessible room.

Tuition Offered On Facebook

Open Sun 6th May Open Mon 7th May Open Sat 12th May Open Sun 13th May

DIRECTIONS: Blue Tram for Malin Bridge (or bus 11/11A) get off at Malin Bridge, walk back along Holme Lane towards Hillsborough. Wood Road is on the left. There is a car sales place on the corner, we are just past this and one house, on the left hand side of the road. Or bus to Hillsborough Interchange, then from Hillsborough corner walk along Holme Lane for about 5 minutes to Wood Road on the right.

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Also at or near this venue: Barbara Hawley