s1webmedia.co.uk - affordable web and media solutions

Frequently Asked Questions

This page offers answers to existing and potential clients.


Currently in random order, the following will be grouped together by topic (soon!)

Is «EasyEdit» Open Source?

Not yet. Once we have gained a sufficient client-base, we intend to make the server-side PHP scripts freely available to all.

It should be noted that the «EasyEdit» system uses third party components. These are licensed separately. See the 'About' section at the bottom of the «EasyEdit» page for details.

Is the form secure?

As secure as the hypertext transfer protocol (HTTP) allows. The password is never sent over the Internet unencrypted, so it's always safe. There is however a small risk that an Internet eavesdropper can hijack an editing session and change/delete site content.

Secure connections - as used by online banking systems - (HTTPS) are offered at an extra cost.

Why does the form use Cookies and JavaScript?

These are required for sending encrypted passwords over the Internet.

Most modern browsers support and are configured by default to allow both.

No private information is gathered, nor is it transmitted to any third party.

Do visitors to my «EasyEdit» site need Cookies and JavaScript?

No. Although some of the features of the site need JavaScript: collapsible (sub)sections, audio and video, ...

Without JavaScript the site will still be functional.

What is Flash Video?

This is the video format produced by Adobe's Flash authoring package, with a file extension of .flv. It's very popular - YouTube uses this format. There are many free FLV encoders available. We like those you can download from www.erightsoft.com/SUPER.html (Windows) and http://ffmpegx.com/ (Mac)

Other formats (MP4, AVI, etc.) can be uploaded to your site, but only a link will be displayed, with no thumbnail image.

Can I embed my YouTube videos in an «EasyEdit» site?

This feature is available at extra cost.

What is MP3?

You probably know already that it's the most common audio format for personal music players. Again this currently is the only audio format supported by «EasyEdit». For a free, multi-platform sound editor look at http://audacity.sourceforge.net/

Other formats (WMA, OGG, etc.) can be uploaded to your site, but only a link will be displayed.

An image I uploaded doesn't display - I just see a link - why?

It probably has an unsupported file extension - it should be one of: .png, jpg, .jpeg, .jpe or .gif (capitalization unimportant).

I have a video / audio file that's too big for my site - any options?

By default, total file storage is limited to 100MBytes, and web traffic (bandwidth) is limited to 1GByte per month. This can be extended at extra cost...

...Or, you can store larger files on another web server and provide their URLs (web addresses) when creating an «EasyUpload». It should be noted that people looking at an offline version of your site will need an Internet connection to see / hear them.

Can I put sub-sub-sections in my «SimpleMarkup»?

Currently, no. Sub-sections within a page section is the maximum depth. This is unlikely to change.

Can I nest bulleted lists?

Again, no. Only one level of bulleted lists. This might change in future versions of «EasyEdit».

Can I have sub-menus in the navigation / secondary navigation?

Yes, at extra cost.

Bear in mind that the standard structure of pages-sections-subsections-headings is already quite flexible...

Is my site backed up regularly?

Yes, the servers where your site's files are stored make nightly backups. We are assured that nobody has lost any data.

Having said that, an «EasyEdit» snapshot is a reassuring thing to have. From a snapshot, it is possible to rebuild your site (manually at the moment, but this might be automated in future).

What new features are being developed?

There are two main areas we are looking at:

  • Multi-user sites. Currently there is only one password to change the content of the entire site. With a multi-user site, users will have different permissions for different parts of the site. For example, an 'admin' user might let another user edit only a small subset of the site's pages...
  • Online site and page templates. It would be helpful to automate the initial creation of sites and let clients change the navigation structure of the their sites: adding or moving pages, changing logos and colour-schemes, for example.

Last update: 2007-12-06T09:32:30 © 2007 s1webmedia.co.uk