What follows is help in using the «EasyEdit» form to maintain the content of your website. The form itself contains much the same information.
«EasyEdit» sites are usually delivered with content already in place. It should therefore be quite intuitive to see the relationship between the «SimpleMarkup» and the rendered pages.
At the bottom of each of the following sections on this page, you'll find a subsection containing the «SimpleMarkup» for that section. This should help you see this relationship, and how simple the markup really is.
If you don't find what you are looking for here, try the FAQ for further information. Contact us if you get really stuck.
Remember, it's called «EasyEdit» for a reason!
To get you started, this short tutorial will hopefully make you feel at home with the «EasyEdit» editor form.
Please use a
JavaScript-enabled browser with
Flash to view this video.
Step 1 (No Audio)
Please use a
JavaScript-enabled browser with
Flash to view this video.
Step 2 (No Audio)
Please use a
JavaScript-enabled browser with
Flash to view this video.
Step 3 (No Audio)
Easy, wasn't it? That's why we call this «EasyEdit»!
To get you started, this short tutorial will hopefully make you feel at home with the «EasyEdit» editor form. ##VS1SMO## ##VS2SMO## ##VS3SMO## = Step 1. Create an «EasyUpload» Image + Open the «EasyEdit» editor form - you'll find the link in the 'About' section at the bottom of the first editable page on your site (that's the «EasyEdit» page on this site). + Enter your password at the top of the form. You should have received this by email or phone. + Click the «EasyUploads» File Manager... section. + In the Uploaded Files selector, select 'NEW Upload...' + Enter 'My First EasyUpload!' in the Title field - this can't be left blank. + Check the Title Caption and Clickable Thumbnail checkboxes. + Click the Browse.../Choose File button in the Local File field, and in the File Upload dialog, locate a large-ish image file (from a digital camera perhaps?) and click OK. + On the editor form, click the Save Upload Changes button, and click OK to confirm the Create Upload (you are always prompted to confirm when submitting the form). + If all goes well, you should see the form again with a confirmation that the «EasyUpload» was created. + If you go to the «EasyUploads» File Manager... section again, you should be able to see a preview of 'My First EasyUpload!' when you select it in Uploaded Files. + Below the preview pane, you should see its «EasyUpload» ID = (something like) \##IMYPIC## - select this (drag mouse across the text while holding down the left button). Right click on the selected ID and click on Copy (to Clipboard). You'll need this for Step 2... = Step 2. Create a New Section in the Test Page + Enter your password at the top of the form. (If you forget, you will be reminded when you try to submit the form). + Click the «EasyEdit» Content Editor section. + In the Page selector, select the '«EasyEdit» Test Page' (usually last in the list). + Just above the selector to the right, you should see a link to the \##PTEST##. Click this. It will open in a new window. You'll need this for Step 3. Minimize the browser window containing the Test Page for now. + In the Section selector, select 'NEW Section...' (first in the list). + Enter 'My First SimpleMarkup' in the Title field - this can't be left blank. + Right click in the empty Blurb field and click Paste (from Clipboard) - you should see \##IMYPIC## - this is where the image will go. + Type a few lines of text (separated by blank lines) into the Blurb - either on a separate line or on the same line as the ID. + In the Position/Delete selector, select 'First (always displayed first)' - this is the default position for a new section. + Click the Save Section Changes button and click OK to confirm the Create Section (you are always prompted to confirm when submitting the form). + If all goes well, you should see the form again with a confirmation that the section was created. = Step 3. View the Results. + Maximize or Restore the browser window containing the Test Page and click Reload in the browser (or press the F5 key). + In the 'My First SimpleMarkup' section, you should see your clickable thumbnail image with its caption below it. Go on, click it! + Done. Why not try experimenting with the options (did you really want the caption?), and play around with the text of your «SimpleMarkup» - you can always refer to the sections below for help. = Easy, wasn't it? That's why we call this «EasyEdit»!
You'll find the link to the «EasyEdit» editor form at the bottom of the 'About' section on the first editable page on your site (that's the «EasyEdit» page on this site).
Use the '«EasyEdit» Content Editor...' section of the form to add/edit/move/delete sections to pages on your website.
Start by selecting the Page you want to edit, then select an existing Section or 'New Section' to add a new one.
A section has a Title - this can't be left blank, and optional Blurb into which you enter (or paste) your «SimpleMarkup».
Clicking on 'Capitalize Title' turns e.g., 'this is a section title' into 'This is a Section Title' (recommended).
The 'Position / Delete' selector lets you insert a new section within the page, or move / delete an existing section.
Deleting a section (you will be prompted to confirm all changes) DOES NOT remove any «EasyUpload» files the section references.
Tip: also on the form (above the Page selector) there is link to dump the markup for your entire site. It is MUCH better to use this to edit your «SimpleMarkup» in and external editor, and use the clipboard. The Blurb field itself is best used for small changes.
You'll find the link to the «EasyEdit» editor form at the bottom of the 'About' section on the first editable page on your site (that's the ##PEEDIT## page on this site). Use the '«EasyEdit» Content Editor...' section of the form to add/edit/move/delete sections to pages on your website. Start by selecting the Page you want to edit, then select an existing Section or 'New Section' to add a new one. A section has a Title - this can't be left blank, and optional Blurb into which you enter (or paste) your «SimpleMarkup». Clicking on 'Capitalize Title' turns e.g., 'this is a section title' into 'This is a Section Title' (recommended). The 'Position / Delete' selector lets you insert a new section within the page, or move / delete an existing section. Deleting a section (you will be prompted to confirm all changes) DOES NOT remove any «EasyUpload» files the section references. _Tip: also on the form (above the Page selector) there is link to dump the markup for your entire site. It is MUCH better to use this to edit your «SimpleMarkup» in and external editor, and use the clipboard. The Blurb field itself is best used for small changes._
«SimpleMarkup» is quite forgiving of small errors in formatting, and generally corrects mistakes automatically.
On the «EasyEdit» form you will find a Test Page which is not part of the site's navigation. This is a good place to try out your markup before moving to your 'live' site.
Tip: also on the form (above the page selector) there is link to dump the markup of your entire site. It is MUCH better to use this to edit your «SimpleMarkup» in and external editor. The Blurb field itself is best used for small changes.
Text entered into the «EasyEdit» form's Blurb field (or better, pasted from Notepad/TextEdit, etc.) can be formatted in the following ways:
Note: ALL HTML is ignored!
foo@bar.com, www.foo.com/bar, http://foo.com/bar, link to ##PHOME## and ##OJWMED##, and ##IAIRPO##
foo@bar.com, www.foo.com/bar, http://foo.com/bar, link to s1webmedia, JW Media Player and
Note, if a URL begins with 'www.' you can omit the 'http://'.
The last two examples above shows how to link to arbitrary files you might have previously uploaded via the «EasyUpload» form - see the «EasyUploads» Help section below.
Tip: copy and paste IDs from the «EasyUpload» form into the 'Blurb' field.
Paragraph 1... This is NOT Paragraph 2! Paragraph 2...
Paragraph 1... This is NOT Paragraph 2!
Paragraph 2...
*All bold on a line of its own makes a sub-heading* This is *bold text*, _italicized text_ *_bold italicized text*_ and \*NEITHER bold NOR \_italic_ text*.
All bold on a line of its own makes a sub-heading
This is bold text, italicized text, bold italicized text and *NEITHER bold NOR _italic_ text*.
Note the last example where the special meaning of '*' and '_' are escaped using '\'.
If a closing '*' or '_' is omitted, bold or italic is applied to the end of the line.
+ *Item 1* + _Item 2_ + Item 3
| *foo* *bar* *baz* | 1 2 3 | 10 20 30
foo bar baz 1 2 3 10 20 30
Note, to keep alignment of headings, bold needs to be applied to each separately.
= Sub-section 1 Blurb for sub-section 1 More blurb for sub-section 1 = Sub-section 2 Blurb for sub-section 2 ... =
Errm, well actually we're already in a subsection and we can't do sub-subsections - '= Sub-sections within a page section' is a subsection of the '«SimpleMarkup» Help' page section - but you get the idea, right?
Note, the final '=' on a line of its own 'closes' the sub-sections, and anything that follows belongs to the main section. If accidentally omitted, it will be automatically added to the end of the page section.
That's all - which is why we call this «SimpleMarkup»!
«SimpleMarkup» is quite forgiving of small errors in formatting, and generally corrects mistakes automatically. On the «EasyEdit» form you will find a ##PTEST## which is not part of the site's navigation. This is a good place to try out your markup before moving to your 'live' site. _Tip: also on the form (above the page selector) there is link to dump the markup of your entire site. It is MUCH better to use this to edit your «SimpleMarkup» in and external editor. The Blurb field itself is best used for small changes._ Text entered into the «EasyEdit» form's Blurb field (or better, pasted from Notepad/TextEdit, etc.) can be formatted in the following ways: Note: ALL HTML tags are ignored! = Email addresses and URLs are AUTOMATICALLY converted to links | \foo@bar.com, \www.foo.com/bar, \http://foo.com/bar, link to \##PHOME##, and \##OJWMED## become: foo@bar.com, www.foo.com/bar, http://foo.com/bar, link to ##PHOME##, and ##OJWMED## Note, if a URL begins with 'www.' you can omit the 'http://'. The last example above shows how to link to arbitrary files you might have previously uploaded via the «EasyUpload» form. _Tip: copy and paste IDs from the «EasyUpload» form into the 'Blurb' field._ = Separate paragraphs using blank lines | Paragraph 1... | This is NOT Paragraph 2! | | Paragraph 2... becomes: Paragraph 1... This is NOT Paragraph 2! Paragraph 2... = \*Bold* and \_Italics_ | \*All bold on a line of its own makes a sub-heading* | | This is \*bold text*, \_italicized text_ \*\_bold italicized text*_ and \\*NEITHER bold NOR \\_italic_ text*. become: *All bold on a line of its own makes a sub-heading* This is *bold text*, _italicized text_, *_bold italicized text*_ and \*NEITHER bold NOR \_italic_ text*. Note the last example where the special meaning of '\*' and '\_' are escaped using '\\'. If a closing '*' or '_' is omitted, it will be added automatically at the end of the line. = + Make bulleted lists | + \*Item 1* | + \_Item 2_ | + Item 3 becomes: + *Item 1* + _Item 2_ + Item 3 = | Mimic tables using a fixed-width font | | \*foo* \*bar* \*baz* | | 1 2 3 | | 10 20 30 becomes: | *foo* *bar* *baz* | 1 2 3 | 10 20 30 Note, to keep alignment of headings, bold needs to be applied to each separately. = = Sub-sections within a page section | = Sub-section 1 | | Blurb for sub-section 1 | | More blurb for sub-section 1 | | = Sub-section 2 | | Blurb for sub-section 2 | | ... | | = becomes: Errm, well actually we're already in a subsection and we can't do sub-subsections - '= Sub-sections within a page section' is a subsection of the '«SimpleMarkup» Help' page section - but you get the idea, right? Note, the final '=' on a line of its own 'closes' the sub-sections, and anything that follows belongs to the main section. If accidentally omitted, it will be automatically added to the end of the page section. = That's all - which is why we call this «SimpleMarkup»!
Use the '«EasyUploads» File Manager...' section of the form to manage the image/video/audio/etc. files that your site uses.
Start by choosing either an existing upload to change, or 'NEW Upload...' from the 'Uploaded Files' selector.
Once you have uploaded a few files, you might find it useful to change the order of the list in the selector - by Type, Date or Title.
Selecting an existing upload may show a small preview image below the selector.
Information about an existing upload is shown below the preview pane, including its ID - ##VMYVID## for example. It can be handy to select, copy to the clipboard, and paste this into your «SimpleMarkup».
You can delete the upload (and all references to it in your «SimpleMarkup») by clicking the Delete button below the preview pane (you will be prompted to confirm all changes).
All uploads must have a Title and a file (or URL if it points to audio or video).
Clicking on 'Capitalize Title' turns e.g., 'this is an upload title' into 'This is an Upload Title' (recommended).
Once you have entered a Title, selected a file via 'Local Files...' (or URL), and options, click the 'Save Upload Changes' button (you will be prompted to confirm all changes).
Changes to an «EasyUpload» are automatically reflected in any pages that contain its ID.
Available options and how uploads are displayed depend on the type of file you're uploading/changing. We'll start with the simplest:
Any file not recognized as image/video/audio is treated as an 'other' file.
Icon Next to Link - depending on file type, «EasyEdit» will try to put an appropriate icon next to the link.
Other files are always displayed 'inline' - within the flow of text - when a reference to one is inserted in your «SimpleMarkup»:
This is an example of an inline «EasyUpload» ##OMYPDF## (with icon), and here's another ##OJWMED## (without icon).
This is an example of an inline «EasyUpload» Example PDF (with icon), and here's another JW Media Player (without icon).
«EasyEdit» only recognizes MP3 files (other formats like WMA or WAV are treated as 'other' files).
Title Caption - displayed below the audio player.
URL - to save your disk and bandwidth quotas, you might specify the URL - web address - of an off-site MP3 track.
If you click the Check URL above the URL field, a new window opens. If you get a 'not found' error - check your typing. (It's always better to copy and paste URLs to avoid such typos).
Audio is always displayed on a line of its own (with optional caption below):
This is an off-site track (from http://download.mp3.com/user_audio/d1/2/8/9/3/21744663.mp3): ##A21741## and this is a small uploaded MP3 file: ##AASONG##
This is an off-site track (from http://download.mp3.com/user_audio/d1/2/8/9/3/21744663.mp3):
Please use a
JavaScript-enabled browser with
Flash to hear this audio.
Radiohead - Jigsaw Falling into Place
and this is a small uploaded MP3 file (no caption):
Please use a
JavaScript-enabled browser with
Flash to hear this audio.
«EasyEdit» only recognizes Flash Video (FLV) files (other formats like WMV or MOV are treated as 'other' files).
Free FLV encoders can be downloaded from http://www.erightsoft.com/SUPER.html (Windows) and http://ffmpegx.com/ (Mac).
Title Caption - displayed below the video player.
Thumbnail File - any image - preferably a still frame (JPG) from the video.
URL - to save your disk and bandwidth quotas, you might specify the URL - web address - of an off-site FLV file.
If you click the Check URL above the URL field, a new window opens. If you get a 'not found' error - check your typing. (It's always better to copy and paste URLs to avoid such typos).
Videos (and images) can only appear at the beginning or end of paragraphs - not within textual paragraphs, in bulleted lists, subsection headings or in text with fixed-width fonts:
A video (taken with a mobile phone!) on a paragraph on its own:
Please use a
JavaScript-enabled browser with
Flash to view this video.
South of Prague
The next examples are less simple, although not difficult...
Paragraphs with Text and Video/Images
##VVWEST## ##VVWES2## Starting a paragraph with a group of one or more video IDs pushes the text of what follows to the right of them. \
Please use a
JavaScript-enabled browser with
Flash to view this video.
West Berlin
Please use a
JavaScript-enabled browser with
Flash to view this video.
West Berlin
Starting a paragraph with a group of one or more video IDs pushes the text of what follows to the right of them.
By default, this continues until the next video (see next example), image or (sub)section.
To force a break, so that subsequent text is pushed back to the left margin, put a single '\' on a line of its own. This is not needed when there is no text in the paragraph.
Ending a paragraph with video ID(s) pushes the videos to the right, with the paragraph and the following text to the left. ##VVWEST## ##VVWES2##
Please use a
JavaScript-enabled browser with
Flash to view this video.
West Berlin
Please use a
JavaScript-enabled browser with
Flash to view this video.
West Berlin
Ending a paragraph with video ID(s) pushes the videos to the right, with the paragraph and the following text to the left.
Notice you can give different «EasyUploads» the same title.
Again, you can force a break with the '\' on a line of its own.
You can also mix groups of videos with images - see next subsection...
«EasyEdit» (and most web browsers) only recognizes JPEG, GIF and PNG image files (other formats like TIFF or BMP are treated as 'other' files).
Title Caption - displayed below the image.
Clickable Thumbnail - larger images only - display an auto-generated thumbnail of the larger image. Clicking the thumbnail shows the larger image.
URL - small images only - unlike audio/video - clicking on the image displays the specified URL, typically an external webpage.
Images display options are the same as for video - in fact, they can be grouped together on the same paragraph:
Please use a
JavaScript-enabled browser with
Flash to view this video.
West Berlin
Paragraphs with Text and Video/Images
##IAIRPO## Paragraph started with image ID. \ and Paragraph ended with image ID. ##IAIRPO##
Paragraph started with image ID.
Paragraph ended with image ID.
Note the '\' on a line of its own to force the following text back to the left margin. This is not needed with groups of images/video with no text in the paragraph.
Finally, a small image with a link to http://gimp.org/ - a free multi-platform image editing program:
The above might seem like a lot to know (especially the stuff about starting/ending paragraphs with video/images). Don't worry, the default behaviours are usually what you'll want.
We recommend that you look at the Short Tutorial section on this page if you're still unclear.
Use the '«EasyUploads» File Manager...' section of the form to manage the image/video/audio/etc. files that your site uses. Start by choosing either an existing upload to change, or 'NEW Upload...' from the 'Uploaded Files' selector. Once you have uploaded a few files, you might find it useful to change the order of the list in the selector - by Type, Date or Title. Selecting an existing uploads may show a small preview image below the selector. Information about an existing upload is shown below the preview pane, _including_ its ID - \##VMYVID## for example. It can be handy to select, copy to the clipboard, and paste this into your «SimpleMarkup». You can delete the upload (and all references to it in your «SimpleMarkup») by clicking the Delete button below the preview pane (you will be prompted to confirm all changes). _All_ uploads must have a Title and a file (or URL if it points to audio or video). Clicking on 'Capitalize Title' turns e.g., 'this is an upload title' into 'This is an Upload Title' (recommended). Once you have entered a Title, selected a file via 'Local Files...' (or URL), and options, click the 'Save Upload Changes' (you will be prompted to confirm all changes). Changes to an «EasyUpload» are automatically reflected in any pages that contain its ID. Available options and how uploads are displayed depend on the _type_ of file you're uploading/changing. We'll start with the simplest: = 'Other' Any file not recognized as image/video/audio is treated as an 'other' file. *Option* Icon Next to Link - depending on file type, «EasyEdit» will try to put an appropriate icon next to the link. Other files are always displayed 'inline' - within the flow of text - when a reference to one is inserted in your «SimpleMarkup»: | This is an example of an inline «EasyUpload» \##OMYPDF## (with icon), and here's another \##OJWMED## (without icon). becomes: This is an example of an inline «EasyUpload» ##OMYPDF## (with icon), and here's another ##OJWMED## (without icon). = Audio «EasyEdit» _only_ recognizes MP3 files (other formats like WMA or WAV are treated as 'other' files). *Options* Title Caption - displayed below the audio player. URL - to save your disk and bandwidth quotas, you might specify the URL - web address - of an off-site MP3 track. If you click the Check URL above the URL field, a new window opens. If you get a 'not found' error - check your typing. (It's _always_ better to copy and paste URLs to avoid such typos). Audio is always displayed on a line of its own (with optional caption below): | This is an off-site track (from \http://download.mp3.com/user_audio/d1/2/8/9/3/21744663.mp3): | | \##A21741## | | and this is an uploaded MP3 file: | | \##AASONG## becomes: This is an off-site track (from http://download.mp3.com/user_audio/d1/2/8/9/3/21744663.mp3): ##A21741## and this is a small uploaded MP3 file (no caption): ##AASONG## = Video «EasyEdit» _only_ recognizes Flash Video (FLV) files (other formats like WMV or MOV are treated as 'other' files). Free FLV encoders can be downloaded from http://www.erightsoft.com/SUPER.html (Windows) and http://ffmpegx.com/ (Mac). *Options* Title Caption - displayed below the video player. Thumbnail File - any image - preferably a still frame (JPG) from the video. URL - to save your disk and bandwidth quotas, you might specify the URL - web address - of an off-site FLV file. If you click the Check URL above the URL field, a new window opens. If you get a 'not found' error - check your typing. (It's _always_ better to copy and paste URLs to avoid such typos). Videos (and images) _can only appear at the beginning or end of paragraphs_ - not within paragraphs, in bulleted lists, subsection headings or in text with fixed-width fonts: A video (taken with a mobile phone!) on a paragraph on its own: | \##VGOING## becomes: ##VGOING## The next examples are less simple, although not difficult... *Paragraphs with Text and Video/Images* | \##VVWEST## \##VVWES1## Starting a paragraph with a group of one or more video IDs pushes the text of what follows to the right of them. | | \\ becomes: ##VVWEST## ##VVWES1## Starting a paragraph with a group of one or more video IDs pushes the text of what follows to the right of them. \ By default, this continues until the next video (see next example), image or (sub)section. To force a break, so that the following text is the is pushed back to the left margin, put a single '\\' on a line of its own. This is not needed when there is no text in the paragraph. | Ending a paragraph with video ID(s) pushes the videos to the right, with the paragraph and the following text to the left. \##VVWEST## \##VVWES1## becomes: Ending a paragraph with video ID(s) pushes the videos to the right, with the paragraph and the following text to the left. ##VVWEST## ##VVWES1## Notice you can give different «EasyUploads» the same title. Again, you can force a break with the '\\' on a line of its own. You can also _mix groups of videos with images_ - see next subsection... = Image «EasyEdit» (and most web browsers) _only_ recognizes JPEG, GIF and PNG image files (other formats like TIFF or BMP are treated as 'other' files). *Options* Title Caption - displayed below the image. Clickable Thumbnail - _larger images only_ - display an auto-generated thumbnail of the larger image. Clicking the thumbnail shows the larger image. URL - _small images only_ - unlike audio/video - clicking on the image displays the specified URL, typically an external webpage. Images display options are the same as for video - in fact, they can be grouped together on the same paragraph: | \##IAIRPO## \##VVWES1## \##IAIRPO## becomes: ##IAIRPO## ##VVWES1## ##IAIRPO## *Paragraphs with Text and Video/Images* | \##IAIRPO## Paragraph started with image ID. | | \\ | | and | | Paragraph ended with image ID. \##IAIRPO## \ becomes: ##IAIRPO## Paragraph started with image ID. \ and Paragraph ended with image ID. ##IAIRPO## \ Note the '\\' on a line of its own to force the following text back to the left margin. This is not needed with groups of images/video with no text in the paragraph. Finally, a small image with a link to http://gimp.org/ - a free multi-platform image editing program: ##IGETTH## = The above might seem like a lot to know (especially the stuff about starting/ending paragraphs with video/images). Don't worry, the default behaviours are usually what you'll want. We recommend that you look at the Short Tutorial page section above if you're still unclear.
Use the 'Download Entire Site...' section on the form to download a single 'tarball' file containing a 'Snapshot' of your site.
Simply click on the Download Snapshot button and click OK to confirm.
Save the tarball as e.g., 20070704T120000.tar
NOTE that depending on the size of your site, this can take a few minutes to download.
To extract the files from the downloaded tarball, Windows users might need a copy of 7-Zip from www.7-zip.org. Mac users can use Applications/Utilities/Stuffit Expander.
Once you have extracted all the files, you can burn an offline version of your site onto CDROM.
NOTE that you cannot use the «EasyEdit» form or send emails via an offline version of your site. Also, video or audio files that are stored on a different server (created via the URL field in the '«EasyUploads» File Manager' section of the form) will only be available to people with an Internet connection.
Use the 'Download Entire Site...' section on the form to download a single 'tarball' file containing a 'Snapshot' of your site. Simply click on the Download Snapshot button and click OK to confirm. Save the tarball as e.g., 20070704T120000.tar _NOTE that depending on the size of your site, this can take a few minutes to download._ To extract the files from the downloaded tarball, Windows users might need a copy of 7-Zip from www.7-zip.org. Mac users can use Applications/Utilities/Stuffit Expander. Once you have extracted all the files, you can burn an offline version of your site onto CDROM. _NOTE that you cannot use the «EasyEdit» form or send emails via an offline version of your site. Also, video or audio files that are stored on a different server (created via the URL field in the '«EasyUploads» File Manager' section of the form) will only be available to people with an Internet connection._
Last update: 2007-12-07T15:44:06 © 2007 s1webmedia.co.uk