The Pavilion, Botanical Gardens, Clarkehouse Road, Sheffield, S10 2LN
07725 881724
I paint detailed, recognisable landscapes and the light of the romantic architectural settings of Venice, Barcelona and other European cities.
HelenParsley, BA [Illustration] Manchester. I have produced illustrations for book covers all over the world. However, I now paint dramatic landscapes in acrylic paints and love to create textures in my paintings. Together with my exciting use of light, my work often looks almost photographic but my paintings of Venice, Barcelona and other European cities are imbued with a persona romantic 'magic' which I know is appealing.
I have held solo exhibitions at Lyme Hall, Dunham Hall, Macclesfield Town Hall and galleries in Cheshire and Chelsea. I am also a regular exhibitor at art fairs in Sheffield and throughout the UK.
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Also at or near this venue: David Brightmore